Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
27 - A BIONIC VOICE - Dr Farzaneh Ahmadi
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
The ability to communicate is a fundamental human need, but it's one that does not come easily to those without a voice box. Dr Farzaneh Ahmadi is a scientist, engineer, inventor and entrepreneur who first came across the field of voice cloning while completing her PhD in Singapore. But for all of the technology's promise, Farzaneh also felt frustrated by having to turn away patients that came to her group seeking practical solutions rather than abstract research. Since then, Farzaneh has dedicated much of her professional life to the challenge of adapting this technology to restore the voices of laryngectomy patients. In 2019 that dream came one step closer as Farzaneh became the founder and CEO of Laronix, a spinout company based on her research.So plug in to hear the very latest on Dr. Ahmadi's journey to the bionic voice.
GUEST : Dr. Farzaneh Ahmadihttps://www.linkedin.com/in/farzaneh-ahmadi-62493153
EON LABS : https://www.eonlabs.org/
RENY DIGITAL :https://renydigital.com/
HOST :Dr. Leo Stevenshttps://www.linkedin.com/in/leostevensinc/
MUSIC :Purple Planet Musichttps://www.purple-planet.comMixed by Dr. Nat Harris
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
THE BRIEF - Peak Bodies
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
The Brief is a quick-fire show where we break down two concepts from science and business.
On today’s episode, Marc and Leo take a look at the purpose of peak bodies like the Australian Academy of Science and Chambers of Commerce.
Listen in as we discuss and connect these two concepts within 10 minutes!
EON LABS : https://www.eonlabs.org/
HOSTS :Dr. Leo Stevenswww.linkedin.com/in/leostevensinc/
Prof. Marc in het Panhuiswww.linkedin.com/in/marcinhetpanhuis/
MUSIC :Purple Planet Musichttps://www.purple-planet.comMixed by Dr. Nat Harris
Tuesday May 18, 2021
THE BRIEF - Early Employees and Postdocs
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
The Brief is a quick-fire show where we break down two concepts from science and business.
On today’s episode, Marc and Leo look at the early-career options for innovators, whether in the academic track as postdoctoral researchers or as early-employees in a startup.
Listen in as we discuss and connect these two concepts within 10 minutes!
EON LABS : https://www.eonlabs.org/
HOSTS :Dr. Leo Stevenswww.linkedin.com/in/leostevensinc/
Prof. Marc in het Panhuiswww.linkedin.com/in/marcinhetpanhuis/
MUSIC :Purple Planet Musichttps://www.purple-planet.comMixed by Dr. Nat Harris
Tuesday May 04, 2021
THE BRIEF - Market Testing and Peer Review
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
The Brief is a quick-fire show where we break down two concepts from science and business.
On today’s episode, Marc and Leo talk about the ways in which new research and products are appraised before they are unleashed on the consumer.
Listen in as we discuss and connect these two concepts within 10 minutes!
EON LABS : https://www.eonlabs.org/
HOSTS :Dr. Leo Stevenswww.linkedin.com/in/leostevensinc/
Prof. Marc in het Panhuiswww.linkedin.com/in/marcinhetpanhuis/
MUSIC :Purple Planet Musichttps://www.purple-planet.comMixed by Dr. Nat Harris
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
026 - INNOVATION IN SPADES - Prof. Mathew Aitchison
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
The dual inventions of computing and the internet transformed our society, and many industries are now barely recognisable from their peers of the 1950s. But while sectors like banking, communications, retail and entertainment have all ridden this wave of innovation, a few have been left behind. Professor Mathew Aitchison is on a mission to help the construction industry realise the potential of the information age. As interim CEO of Building 4.0 CRC, Mathew has helped bring together a coalition of researchers and industry partners to help transform the way we design, construct and monitor the built environment in the 21st century and beyond. Plug in to hear how a boy from rural Queensland became one of Australia's leading thinkers bringing architecture into the information age.
GUEST : Prof. Mathew Aitchisonhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/mathew-aitchison-2452b671/
BUILDING 4.0 CRChttps://building4pointzero.org/
FUTURE BUILDING PODCASThttps://building4pointzero.org/podcasts/
EON LABS : https://www.eonlabs.org/https://eonjournal.com/
RENY DIGITAL :https://renydigital.com/
HOST :Dr. Leo Stevenshttps://www.linkedin.com/in/leostevensinc/
MUSIC :Purple Planet Musichttps://www.purple-planet.comMixed by Dr. Nat Harris
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
THE BRIEF - Boards and Councils
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
The Brief is a quick-fire show where we break down two concepts from science and business.
On today’s episode, Marc and Leo look to the very top of their organisational charts, and discuss the similarities and differences between corporate boards and the university council
Listen in as we discuss and connect these two concepts within 10 minutes!
EON LABS : https://www.eonlabs.org/
HOSTS :Dr. Leo Stevenswww.linkedin.com/in/leostevensinc/
Prof. Marc in het Panhuiswww.linkedin.com/in/marcinhetpanhuis/
MUSIC :Purple Planet Musichttps://www.purple-planet.comMixed by Dr. Nat Harris
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
025 - TWICE THE VICE - Prof. Paul Wellings CBE
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Being a Vice-Chancellor for close to two decades has allowed Paul Wellings to develop a unique perspective on science, research management and research commercialisation.
Born into a military family, Paul's childhood was shaped by tours in India and Africa before he was sent back to the UK and the relative stability of boarding school. Despite being separated from his family Paul soon settled into his studies, winning accolades at Lancaster Royal Grammar School, Kings College London and Durham University before completing a PhD in Ecology at the University of East Anglia.
He has since had a long career as an academic and a research manager, establishing strong networks across both the UK and Australia, where he currently resides. He is a former deputy chief executive of the CSIRO, a director of ANSTO, vice-chancellor of Lancaster University and is presently concluding an 8 year tenure at the helm of the University of Wollongong. Join us for a tale of perseverance, leadership and strategy at the very top of the academic pecking order.
GUEST : Professor Paul Wellings CBEhttps://www.uow.edu.au/about/our-people/leadership/paul-wellings/
THE UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONGhttps://www.uow.edu.au/
EON LABShttps://www.eonlabs.org/
RENY DIGITAL https://renydigital.com/
HOST : Professor Marc in het Panhuishttps://www.linkedin.com/in/marcinhetpanhuis/
MUSIC Purple Planet Musichttps://www.purple-planet.comMixed by Dr. Nat Harris
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
THE BRIEF - Grants and Pitching
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
The Brief is a quick-fire show where we break down two concepts from science and business.
On today’s episode, Marc and Leo compare the primary funding mechanisms for researchers and entrepreneurs - Grants and Pitching.
Listen in as we discuss and connect these two concepts within 10 minutes!
EON LABS : https://www.eonlabs.org/
HOSTS :Dr. Leo Stevenswww.linkedin.com/in/leostevensinc/
Prof. Marc in het Panhuiswww.linkedin.com/in/marcinhetpanhuis/
MUSIC :Purple Planet Musichttps://www.purple-planet.comMixed by Dr. Nat Harris
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Innovation takes an ecosystem and Stephen Rodda has worked harder than most to ensure South Australia is a fertile place for technologies to grow.
Born and raised in Adelaide, Stephen completed a PhD in stem cell biology before moving to Cambridge Massachusetts for a prestigious post-doctoral fellowship at Harvard University.
Since returning to Australia in 2007, Stephen has worked to foster a vibrant biotechnology ecosystem for South Australia at institutions including Bioinnovation SA, The University of South Australia, The Hospital Research Foundations, and as a director, CEO and chairman of several early-stage biotechnology companies.
Stephen is now the Executive Director of Innovation and Commercial Partners at the University of Adelaide, where he helps to ensure the university’s fundamental discoveries find a path to market
GUEST : Stephen Roddawww.linkedin.com/in/stephen-rodda/
THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDEhttps://www.adelaide.edu.au/
THE HOSPITAL RESEARCH FOUNDATIONhttps://www.hospitalresearch.com.au/
EON LABS https://www.eonlabs.org/
RENY DIGITAL https://renydigital.com/
HOST Dr. Leo Stevenshttps://www.linkedin.com/in/leostevensinc/
MUSIC Purple Planet Musichttps://www.purple-planet.comMixed by Dr. Nat Harris
Monday Mar 22, 2021
THE BRIEF - Theses and Business Plans
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Monday Mar 22, 2021
The Brief is a quick-fire show where we break down two concepts from science and business.
On today’s episode, Marc and Leo give you the light version of some weighty documents, the thesis and the business plan.Listen in as we discuss and connect these two concepts within 10 minutes!EON LABS : https://www.eonlabs.org/
HOSTS :Dr. Leo Stevenswww.linkedin.com/in/leostevensinc/
Prof. Marc in het Panhuiswww.linkedin.com/in/marcinhetpanhuis/
MUSIC :Purple Planet Musichttps://www.purple-planet.comMixed by Dr. Nat Harris